Saturday, January 23, 2010

Real Adipex Tried Adipex, Not Working...what Else Is There?

Tried Adipex, not working...what else is there? - real adipex

I have Ambien for a few weeks and I noticed dramatic results, everyone speaks. They told me that I realized something big in a week or two. The scales are very different, and I do not see smaller. I'm afraid I'm one of those who do not get real results Adipex. Can anyone recommend a different medication that may work for me? Anyone else with Adipex and succeeded with something else?

Note: I have my diet drastically, and plenty of exercise every day. Adipex causes the blood pressure a little high.

Please do not tell me how bad that diet pills are, or what I can do instead. I do not ask how you lose weight, I am only for information on the diet pills. Thank you.


  1. Arent really that good. Stimulant drugs such as Valium, Adderall, etc. will be found very modest work, and you've got a tolerance to the effects after a few weeks. on pills, weight loss, the disadvantages of not more than vitamins and probably do nothing, except for Alli (Xenical before if necessary) is the newest of the pill may be that you take off 5-10 pounds in a year, but his face and gives you diarrhea. Meridia is comparable to the prescription of antidepressants and is about the same performance wise. Arent that drugs really good for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, diet and exercise really by far the best. Operation works well, but obviously his extreme measure.

    Sorry to respond to the change, but id say lying, that the bombing is a lot of money for a diet pill is a good idea. They seem to have insita quick solution to the AA, and I try not to be insulting or generally people's minds, the Arent belittleing mentally ready or unwilling to make a commitment to loseWeight through diet and exercise is required. It's something I need to achieve and then, before you commit to success.

  2. It is strange that you drive tons of sports and change your diet, but you can not succeed. adipex help with addiction and promotes energy and, if you really stick to your diet, you should see the results on a diet pill. You may have a problem with your thyroid.
